Sitting with the Pause

by Jordan James | @jay_lasoul

COVID-19 really came in and shook things up. We saw the reports from China and Italy, but we never imagined that we be in the throes of social distancing or quarantine. However, the epidemic came and here we are, working from home and figuring out how to cope with cabin fever. With the cancellation of school, activities, concerts, and vacations, most of us are wondering how we can fill our time. Netflix & Hulu are top contenders. But if you are looking for a mindful way to fill your time, here are some ideas to make self-care a part of your quarantine and chill plans.

Online Yoga Classes: There are studios around the country who are shifting their practices online, making them available for all who would like to practice. No mat, blocks, straps or experience necessary. Here are some options you may like:

Virtual Meditation: There are practitioners who are eager to share ways to stay safe, centered, and inspired while so much is uncertain. Here is a course I recommend:

Products: There are resources shipped directly to your house that may help you establish a new practice

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Teach Yourself Something New: Companies like Brit+Co know we are cooped up so they have made all of their creative courses free through March 30th 2020

Now more than ever the internet is a way to connect, learn, share, and collaborate. Don’t let social distancing bore you into a stupor. If you know of more resources we can share, let us know.

Shaniece Vincent